Atop The Museum of Arts and Design at Columbus Circle, Robert is a classic modern American restaurant offering breathtaking views of Central Park and Columbus Circle. Elegant, sexy, and romantic, Robert celebrates design, beauty and culinary delights. Dine on a menu created by Chef Armando Cortes or simply sip signature cocktails while you watch the sunset and revel in the beauty of the city.
2 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10019
(212) 299-7730
Directions via Google Maps
Virtual Tour
Monday - Friday:
12pm - 3:45pm
Saturday & Sunday:
11am - 2:30pm
Saturday & Sunday:
2:30pm - 3:45pm
Sunday - Thursday:
4pm - 10pm,
*Last Reservation 8:30pm
Friday - Sunday
4pm - 11pm,
*Last Reservation 9:30pm
SAT, 2/1, 6-9pm, Terri Davis
SUN, 2/2, 12-3pm, Elizabeth Ames
FRI, 2/7, 6-9pm, Kate Cosco
SAT, 2/8, 6-9pm, Can Olgun
SUN, 2/9, 12-3pm, Scott Gordon
THU, 2/13, 6-9pm, David DeMotta
FRI, 2/14, 5-8pm, Scott Gordon
FRI, 2/14, 8-11pm, Terri Davis
SAT, 2/15, 6-9pm, Melanie Marod
SUN, 2/16, 12-3pm, Elizabeth Ames
THU, 2/20, 6-9pm, Kate Cosco
FRI, 2/21, 6-9pm, Victor Lesser
SAT, 2/22, 6-9pm, Can Olgun
SUN, 2/23, 12-3pm, Scott Gordon
THU, 2/27, 6-9pm, David DeMotta
FRI, 2/28, 6-9pm, Kate Cosco

Situated atop The Museum of Arts and Design at Columbus Circle, Robert is a modern American restaurant offering breathtaking views of Central Park and Columbus Circle. Perfect for private events, Robert celebrates design and beauty in both its decor and culinary delights. Guests will love dining on a menu created by Chef Armando Cortes while reveling in the beauty of the city.

Tangerines - Johanna Grawunder, 2009

Johanna Grawunder, 2009
A series of suspended orange Lucite boxes along the windowed perimeter.
Visit the artist's website
Cherry Blossom - Johanna Grawunder, 2009

Cherry Blossom
Johanna Grawunder, 2009
A mobile-like chandelier installation of LED lit Lucite panels.
Visit the artist's website
Sound Wave - Phillip Michael Wolfson, 2009

Sound Wave
Phillip Michael Wolfson, 2009
Sculptural steel cocktail tables, host stands and a 15 foot communal table bisected by a 6 foot high "sound wave
Visit the artist's website
Teresita Fernandez - Night Writing (Equator), 2011

Teresita Fernandez
Night Writing (Equator), 2011
Hand-dyed and formed paper pulp with UV ink print and mirror
Triptych 16.5 x 65.5 in (each panel)
Teresita Fernández's work is characterized by an interest in perception and the psychology of looking.
Night Writing evokes the dramatic and universal experience of looking at the night sky. Each of these unique hand-made pulp prints is perforated with braille-like patterns that recall constellations. The title of the series, Night Writing, is a reference to "Ecriture Nocturne," a secret code written in the early 19th century to enable Napoleon's soldiers to communicate at night, silently and without light.
Names of people, places and things, from star crossed lovers, to famous gems, to coordinates marked by latitude lines, are incorporated into the works as words translated into braille and made into an abstracted composition of points that are superimposed on sumptuous large-scale, printed images of the night sky. The works become a statement on the ephemeral quality of language and the attempt to grasp the content hidden within the invisible text. Fernandez's works explore this subtle space between blindness, vision, and the tactile.
Lehmann Maupin
193 David Reed

David Reed
David Reed is an American contemporary abstract painter. His paintings of large, strong and vibrant brushstrokes incorporate the fluidity of paint with the dynamic elements of light and color. This is recognizable in Reed’s #193 painting in which the dramatic use of colors, shapes and lines, includes an expressive application of paint inspired by light and its evolution as a motif.